This is an overview of the application process for home ownership through Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity. This program is based on Christian principles, but we are an inter-faith as well as inter-denominational organization. This is a way for people to work together to eliminate substandard housing for all people.
Habitat Families: We are glad you are thinking about applying for a Habitat house. The wonderful thing about Habitat for Humanity is that it builds more than houses – it builds homes, lives and communities. We hope this information will answer your questions about what it means to become a Habitat family.
How Habitat Works: All kinds of people in Cleveland County contribute money and materials to Habitat because they want their neighbors’ families to have decent housing. Basic, practical houses are built through the combined efforts of volunteers, home buyers, and other members of the community. On closing, the family makes a small down payment and assumes a no-interest mortgage. The monthly payments go back into a fund to build more Habitat houses for other families in need of decent housing.
How Families Are Selected: The family selection process is impartial. We sell homes to selected families from all ages, faiths, races, walks of life, and cultures. We are looking for poorly housed people with no way to buy a home on their own, people who will be responsible for house payments and home maintenance. We want people who want to be part of the Habitat community.
How Long Will It Take? The selection process normally takes a minimum of six months to complete with one year being a more realistic expectation. If you meet the basic selection criteria, there will be a home visit and an interview with your family. There will also be a credit check and other inquiries into your ability to meet Habitat program requirements. If your family is selected, the total time to complete your project could be twelve to eighteen months.
Why Does It Take So Long? Habitat only exists through the kindness and generosity of the people of Cleveland County. Funds must be raised for each house, land must be procured, and then each home is built by volunteer labor. This all takes time, so please be patient. Also, it is important to note that Habitat reserves the right to interrupt the progress of an application at any stage if more time is needed to firm up areas of concern. It is our intent to not only put your family into a house, but also to help you acquire the skills needed to maintain home ownership.