McFarlin United Methodist Men’s Pancake Breakfast benefiting Habitat for Humanity
April 22, 2020
Norman High School
7 a.m. – Noon
89er Day Festival, Andrews Park
April 22, 2020
Stop by the Habitat for Humanity Booth
MayFair Arts Festival
May 5-7, 2020
Paint a birdhouse at the Habitat for Humanity booth located in the children’s area
Commemorative Plaques
You can have your name on our commemorative plaque, meant to recognize those who have helped make the ReSTORE a continuing reality.
Name plate sizes:
Name listed – $100
3″ x 1″ – $250
3″ x 2″ – $500
6.5″ x 2″ – $1000
Annual Fundraising Events
McFarlin United Methodist Men’s Group Pancake Breakfast – April
MayFair Arts Festival- May
Albertsons Card
Habitat for Humanity is taking advantage of a community program though Albertson’s Food Stores that give a percentage of a purchase to certain agencies. Through this partnership with CCHFH, Albertson’s donates 2% of the total amount of your grocery purchase. Shoppers just need to present a special card in order for the donation to be credited. If you shop at Albertson’s give us a call at 360-7868 and we will mail you a donation card, or you can stop by the office and pick one up. When you check out, they will scan the card and Albertson’s will make a donation. You shop and build!
How to Sponsor a Home
What is a sponsor?
A sponsor is an organization committed to funding and volunteering labor in the construction of a Habitat home.
Who can be a sponsor?
Any organization can be a sponsor. Churches, civic groups, businesses, foundations, families and individuals have helped sponsor homes. Here are some of our sponsors here.
How much does it cost to sponsor a home?
Sponsorship of a home has many levels. An organization may choose to sponsor a portion of construction or the whole house. These different levels of sponsorship start at $100. In-kind donations of materials and services are also an integral part of house sponsorship.
Each local Habitat for Humanity affiliate makes a 10% tithe of its undesignated funds to Habitat for Humanity International to build more houses outside the United States. Habitat for Humanity encourages sponsors to make an extra gift to this worldwide effort to eliminate substandard housing. Read more here.
How long does it take to build a Habitat home?
Generally a work team of 10 to 15 volunteers are needed to work each Saturday for 32 consecutive weeks to construct a Habitat home. This does not include the professionals who work throughout the week performing the most technical tasks.
What assistance does Habitat provide the sponsor in construction the home?
Habitat has a construction committee which orders all the materials and handles all the inspections and subcontractors. The construction committee is also at the work site on Saturdays to coordinate the day’s activities. The construction committee meets with the sponsor in advance of construction to organize their volunteers.
Can an organization co-sponsor a home if it does not have enough labor or funds to construct a home?
Yes. Many of our homes have been built by organizations working together in this capacity. This is a great way to involve more people in the community.
Why should my organization sponsor a home?
Thousands of people in our community live in substandard housing and your organization can do something about it. As you give, you will receive. Your gift will not only be to the family, but to the whole community, by helping to rebuild older parts of town. The mortgage payments will be placed into a revolving fund which will be used to fund more houses in the years to come. See a list of sponsors here.